Friday, January 12, 2007


I was reading through my favorite blogs today (don't worry, if I didn't/don't post a comment on your site today it doesn't mean you aren't included in "my favorite blogs" list. I just didn't have time to comment on all of them!) and started to feel a wave of emotion and gratitude to you all. Your blogs have helped me in more ways than I can express and I want to say thank you to everyone out in the blogosphere. Your support and friendship mean so much to me. Thank you!

Love to you all and a hope for a happier present and future!



Sister Mary Lisa said...

Aaaw, hugs back. You know it.

Lemon Blossom said...

Thanks, SML. Hope you had a great weekend!

Freckle Face Girl said...

It is funny how in tough we become through reading blogs, right? Happy present & future to you too!

Lemon Blossom said...

FFG - I had no idea that writing my own blog and reading other's blogs would help me out so much, but I am glad that I have made that discovery.

I hope things are well down in FL!